5 Sure Ways to Increase Comments on Your Blog

Comments are a great way to feel the heartbeat of your audience and site visitors. Does that mean you don’t have an audience if you don’t get comments on your blog? To an extent, NO! You do have an audience but you do not have loyal readership yet.

Usually in blogging, for every one comment you get on your post, it represents some 100 or so readers who chose not to leave a comment. So, you can easily know how much hits your post is getting, simply by checking your comment section. You can also use comments to build a relationship with your audience.

Now that I’ve made it clear to you why comments are important to your blog, I’ll go ahead to show you some 5 proven ways you can use to get more comments on your blog.

Make it Easy for your readers to leave a comment

How easy is it for your readers to leave a comment on your blog? Do they need to signup, register, subscribe or fill all sorts of captcha before they can comment on your blog? Excessive comment moderation might drive away not only the bots but also prevent your visitors from leaving a comment on your blog.

Make it easy for your audience to leave comments on your blog and you’ll see more comments flood your posts. Facebook WordPress comment plugin is a great option if you use WordPress as your CMS.

Ask open ended questions

Since you’ve made it easy for your audience to leave a comment, it’ll be wise to approach each post in a manner that triggers responses from your audience. One way of achieving this is by asking open ended questions on every of your posts. Open ended questions endears more engagement from your visitors and prompts them to leave more comments.

A close ended question could sound thus: A good blog should have a captivating headline, yea or nay?

Whereas an open ended question would sound thus: How would you rather write a headline to make it more captivating?

You can see the difference between these two questions and why an audience would respond more  to the second question than the first.

Solicit for comments in your conclusion

Let your audience know that you’ll love to hear their input as regards the article they just read on your blog. By simply telling your readership that you would love to hear their say, it’ll gradually spur them into making their contributions on your blog.

It is a fact that visitors might be reluctant to comment on your blog at first, but by continually putting out top quality content and by encouraging your visitors to leave comments on your blog, you will soon see positive results.

Massively promote your post (traffic)

The more people who see and read your post, the more likely it is that you would have some of them leave a comment on your blog. If you make ‘getting traffic’ one of your priorities, then you’ll definitely reap rewards by seeing more interactions in your comment section.

One way of driving traffic to your blog is by massively and rigorously promoting your post in any way possible.

Respond to comments

You’ll definitely get a few comments if you follow this short guide judiciously. However if you want to see more comments on your blog, I suggest you respond to as  much comment as possible as you’ll get on your blog.

Responding to comments tells your readers that you value their opinion and that you will like them to keep the engagement going.

What strategy did you apply in getting your readers to leave comments on your blog and what results have you seen? I’ll love to hear your input on this.

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