CNN calls Buhari and Atiku old men, Nigerians react | See reactions

This is a twittter story showing the moment CNN Africa via their verified twitter handle called the Presidential Candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC ), Muhammadu Buhari and the Presidential Candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar old men.

Buhari is 76 years old and his major opposition in the forthcoming elections barely two days away, Atiku Abubakar is 72 years old.

This tweet by CNN Africa did not go down with Nigerians, both old and young as they took to the comment section of CNN Africa’s page, with some tagging CNN Worldwide, Donald Trump, the United States Embassy and others to remind them that their own president is also an old man.

President of the United States, Donald Trump is 72 years old.

Some other reactions in the comment section said tweets like that is the reason @realdonaldtrump calls @CNN a fake new media.

Read the tweet in question below:

The first reaction to their tweet is the Presidential Candidate of Kowa Party, Remi Sonaiya who reminded CNN to take a look first at themselves in the mirror before calling out others.

She was obviously telling @CNNAfrica that their own president, Donald Trump is older than the president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari.

Read her reaction and others below:


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