Governor Ambode Reviews His Profile Ahead of Handing Over

Akinwunmi Ambode has handed over the rein of Lagos State government to his successor, Babajide Sanwolu, after failing to secure a second term bid from the party.

Ambode announced the news on all his social media platforms. Constitutionally, the actual handing over ceremony ought to happen tomorrow the 29th of May. But outgoing governor stuns all Lagos with his decision to hand over before the official handing over date.

The outgoing governor made the declaration via a post on all his social media handles and a review of his profile on all of his social media platforms to Former Governor of Lagos State.

See His post below:

To the Glory of God, I have just handed over the reins of government in Lagos State to His Excellency, Mr. Babajide Sanwoolu, after a rewarding 4-year experience. This would not have been possible without the support, cooperation and prayers of all Lagosians. I remain eternally grateful to you all. God bless you all. And to God be all the Glory, “

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