Gunmen Invade Edo State Police Station, Kills DPO And Five Others

According to reports, a Divisional Police Officer, 3 other policemen and two women are known to have died after unknown gunmen attacked a police station in the Afuze community of Owan East local government area in Edo state on Tuesday,  March 12th, 2019.

iDONSABI gathers from reliable sources that the gunmen who were more than 10 in number, gained entry into the police station in Edo state on Tuesday night and began shooting sporadically without any aim at all.

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In the process of the gunmen shooting sporadically, they ended up killing the policemen and other victims present during the attack and also set free some criminals that were in the police custody as at the time when they invaded the police station.

The Edo state police command has stated that investigation into the matter has begun and that efforts are currently going on in order to apprehend the attackers as well as re-arrest the released criminals who were freed by the gunmen.

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