PDP Demands Response from DSS Over Dadiyata’s Abduction

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has tasked the Directorate of Security Services (DSS) to speak out on the reported claims that its men were involved in the violent abduction of social activist and PDP new media personality, Abubakar Idris, popularly known as Abu Hanifa Dadiyata, since last Friday.

It was alleged that Dadiyata was part of the mop-up operation done by the DSS in a bid to stop the #RevolutionNow protest after the convener, Omoyele Sowore was pick up last week in his apartment.

The opposition party in a statement signed by Kola Ologbondiyan, the National Publicity Secretary said the DSS cannot continue to keep quiet on the issue since there are already claims in the news media and the public space that its men participated in the abduction allegedly on the behest of interests affiliated to the All Progressives Congress (APC).

READ: DSS Manufacturing Stupidity By Detaining Sowore for Another 45 Days – Adeyanju

“More so, Mr. Idris is known for his fierce criticism of anti-people policies of the APC and its administration, particularly in Kano state.

“There are already public insinuations that Dadiyata’s abduction to an unknown destination is not unconnected with apparent desperation to intimidate, suppress and silence public opinion and free speech in Nigeria as well as to further entrench a siege mentality on our citizenry.

“The PDP, therefore, demands the DSS high command to speak out as well as take urgent steps to secure the release of Dadiyata from his abductors before it is too late.”

READ: Atiku Is The Patron And Cheerleader of #RevolutionNow Protest, APC Alleges

The party further pointed that the polity is already overheated and any delay in the release of Dadiyata is capable of triggering further aggressions in the polity, particularly in Kano state, where he commands a very large followership.

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