Eldee Blasts a Fraud Apologist Who Walked Into His DM

Eldee the don, Nigerian Entrepreneur and Musician blasts a fraud apologist who criticized his opinion on fraud.

— The musician earlier wrote a long post about why fraud is wrong.

Eldee earlier today equated fraud to armed robbery and expressed how sad it is that several Nigerians are justifying the crime.

Read Also >>> ‘You Are No Different From Armed Robbers’ – Eldee Weigh In On ‘Yahoo Yahoo’ Controversy

The musician also revealed that he knows people will blast and insult him over his opinion. No sooner had he written this than a fraud apologist slid into his dm to tell him he has no right to speak about yahoo yahoo since he’s not in the country.

My questions are, why did you run away from Nigeria? Why are you not living in Nigeria? If you going to say anything about this issue, you definitely must be a Nigerian living in Nigeria or else just STFU B-tch!!”

The singer blasted him and explained that he left so his children won’t be influenced by people like him.

“I left Nigeria because I didn’t want my children to be influenced by people like you and your kind.” He wrote. “I left in order to be able to hopefully save ye children, the ones whose future you are contributing to the destruction of, by being a fraudster.”

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