Lady Blasts Women Who Feel Entitled To Their Boy Friend Or Fiance’s Money

“I GENUINELY can’t stand women who feel entitled to men’s money.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, how about you make your own money and stop depending on the male gender to finance your life you broke ass entitled dumbass bitch!”

Those were the words of one tweeter identified as @Scillia_xx while addressing the cankerworm that has eaten deep into the system of many female folks in the society.

It is rapidly becoming a societal norm that a broke lady doesn’t have a boyfriend because the general belief is that the men should always foot the bill of women whether they legally married or not as long as they are into a relationship.

However, it is still the same set of women that will still clamour on gender equality, chanting that the society is treating a girl-child less, What a man can do; a woman can do better is their favourite sentence.

However, here is another species of the female folk having a different perception about it all, @Scillia_xx in her subsequent posts enlightened the female on the need for them to work hard to be self-made rather than turning themselves to the stench of suckling filaments on the male folks.


See her post below:

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