“Not All Representatives Of BBNaija Are Positive, Some Use The Love For One As A Reason To Hate Another” – Khafi Kareem

Ex BBNaija housemate, Khafi Kareem has defended the BBNAIJA fans after someone referred to them as “debased and rapid people.”

According to the YouTuber, BBNAIJA is for all walks of life and although, some fans are not positive, one shouldn’t write off the entire community.

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Khafi wrote;

No love, I disagree. BBN appeals to people from all walks of life. It appeals to people with empathy, people who are passionate and people who are intrigued by life around them. We watch and find someone or people who remind us of parts of ourselves and decide to love them.

She went further to say that some people use their love for one housemate to hate another but shouldn’t judge the whole community by those people.

She continued;

“It fosters community. Not all representatives of it are positive & some use the love for one as reason to hate another, but that does not write off the community as a whole. Far from rabid, their energy is powerful & lives have been changed as a result. Mine is one of them.”

Khafi Kareem

Khafi Kareem was a Police Officer in the UK before she contested for the 4th edition of BBNaija. She won a lot of hearts with her happy, friendly nature and was amongst the last top ten standing.

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