Princess Shyngle Loses Pregnancy As Husband Is In Jail (Video)

Gambian-born actress, Princess Shyngle revealed that she had a miscarriage overnight on the fourth episode of her ‘Discovering Princess Shyngle’ vlog,

Princess Shyngle

She disclosed she woke up and saw blood all over her bed.

Princess Shyngle

While in tears, the actress expressed how painful the experience it and how she’s trying to keep faith in God.

She said;

“I lost my baby, she’s gone, The most painful thing on planet earth is to lose your child, whether the child is alive and you lose it, or the child is in your tummy when you lose it, it is the same pain. I know my baby is watching over me in heaven and that’s why she came for me to know her.”

She added, “Everything happens for a reason and as much as the devil wants me to be angry with God right now, I won’t.”

This is coming after the actress in an episode on her vlog revealed that things have been very difficult for her as her man, Federic is in jail.

“I messed up, but I still love him. When somebody is the love of your life, no matter how hard you try, you can’t just get over them just like that. I thought I could, but I can’t so I’m gonna unblock him and hear what he has to say,” she said about her man.

Meanwhile, during the course of her video, her husband, Federic called from jail. He apologized for everything she’s going through and begged for forgiveness.

Watch Full Video Below:

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