2019 Elections – Actress Georgina Onuoha Voices Opinion

Nollywood actress, Georgina Onuoha has voiced her opinions via an Instagram post about the upcoming Presidential elections. According to the actress who is divorced, a vote for Buhari is a vote for betrayal of justice, peace, equality and freedom.

Onuoha went on to blame Nigerian citizens who still come out en-masse to vote President Buhari. She maintains that a President who spent over 80 percent of his tenure in London on health related issues shouldn’t be in power. This is what she had to say:

“How any sane person, will afford Buhari a vote or let alone a second term will be a betrayal of justice, peace, equality and freedom. A man who spent over 80 percent of his current administration in London receiving treatment! Yet he finds it hard to relinquish power. They are not the problem”, “we the people are the problem”

Georgina Onuoha insists that a country of over 200 million people of different tribes and intellectually gifted people shouldn’t put such men as Muhammadu Buhari in the position of the President. She further added that Nigerians would continue in a state of mental slavery if they didn’t end a rotation of ‘old cargos’ with no vision for the country.

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Recall that few years back – precisely 2012 – the actress got divorced. Just before that, she was a dominant face on the Nollywood scene featuring in several movies until she married and relocated to the US. The mother of two got married to Dr. Ifeanyi Ugbekwe.

The Nollywood actress and single mum of two is well known on social media for dishing her take on social matters. Recently, the actress took to Instagram to give her fans a pill of her moral dosages. Georgina urged people to desist from living a fake life.

In the post, she said everyone’s time is limited and people shouldn’t waste theirs’ living someone else’s life. She dubbed it dogma, stating that it was bad for people to be living the results of other people’s thinking.


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