2019 Presidential Election: Pres. Buhari says he is sure of victory

– Nigerian President, Mohammadu Buhari said he is sure of victory

– The Pres. disclosed he would congratulate himself at the end of the election

Nigeria’s 2019 Presidential has finally commenced today, 23rd of Feb after it was rescheduled by the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC from 18th of Feb.

According to a latest report, the Presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress APC, President Mohammadu Buhari has finally voted at his polling unit in Kofa Baru unit (03) under Sarkin Yara Ward A in Daura Local Government of Katsina.

The President exercised his franchise alongside the First Lady of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari.

After voting, Pres. Mohammad Buhari stated that he was hopeful over the outcome of the election exercise.

Pres Buhari in his statement after reporters gathered around him said, “Very hopeful indeed!”

The Pres. when questioned on whether he would accept defeat and congratulate the winner if he loses, responded by saying: “I will congratulate myself, I am going to be the winner.”

According to reports, Pres. Muhammad Buhari, arrived in his hometown Daura, Katsina State yesterday from Abuja.

See Also: 2019 Presidential Election: The UK urges Nigerians to go out and vote says over 60 observers have been deployed to 15 states

The report made it known that the president alongside the first lady arrived for accreditation around 8:00 am, Pres. Buhari adorned a blue kaftan.

Pres. Buhari and Aisha Buhari were the first and second people to vote at the polling unit.

According to records, 898 voters were registered at the president’s polling unit while the total number of registered voters in his ward are 9,242.

In another report, Nigerians have been turning out to vote in their respective units and so far it has been peaceful and orderly as Nigerians queue up obediently.

All, the same, we at iDONSABI.COM urge Nigerians to maintain the peace and orderliness.

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